Du̅Vo̅z Process Defined

by | Apr 25, 2021

DuVoz is a platform to promote positive experiences for both the Homeowner and the Contactor/ Home Improvement Specialist in the remodeling process.


If you as a Homeowner are looking for a Contractor/ Home Improvement Specialist then you can use the L.E.P.I.E. Scoring Calculator as an evaluation tool to access whether or not the Contractor will be a good fit for you.

On the flip side if you are a Contractor/ Home Improvement Specialist then you can use the L.E.P.I.E. Scoring Calculator to set yourself apart from your competition.  It’s a quick way to answer when someone asks you, “What’s Your L.E.P.I.E. SCORE?”


If you as a Homeowner are looking for a Contractor/ Home Improvement Specialist and you want to show them you are the best person to work for, then they can use the U.V.I.P. Scoring Calculator as an evaluation tool to access whether or not the you are the best fit for them.

On the flip side if you are a Contractor/ Home Improvement Specialist then you can use U.V.I.P. Scoring Calculator to evaluate all your potential employers.